Friday, February 19, 2010

Getting to Know You Question

Tell me your favorite things. Here are some of mine:

Yankee Candles
Moleskine Notebooks, especially this one.
Fuzzy socks
My Emu slippers.
My DVDs.
My notebooks.
My Pilot Pen I write with (obviously)
Anything from Bath and Body Works
My iPhone
My Abercrombie sweatshirt I bought at a warehouse sale.
The ridiculously cheap tote I got at The Christmas Tree Shop.
Abbott's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream in the summer.
Stuffed Artichokes
Bubble Yum
Hair straighteners

What are some of your favorites?


SM Blooding said...

My Netbook and SNOW DAYS!!!

*nods sagely*

Oh-oh-oh! And my coffee drink. The quad venti soy toffee nut no foam no whip latte!!! O.M.G! That is goooooooood!

I'm glad I found your blog!


Lisa Miles said...

Hi Frankie, Thanks for stopping by. I'm so dense when it comes to fancy coffees. I'd have no idea how to order one, or what you just said, lol.

Roxy said...

Flarp? Who thinks of these things? You are so funny! I love your blog. (I posted an award for you this morning. :)

Lisa Miles said...

Oh, yay! Thanks Roxy!

SM Blooding said...

FLARP was a new one for me.

Write it down on a sticky note, go to Starbucks and just hand them the sticky note. You'll LOOOOOOOOVE it! Swear to PETE! Mmmmmm...

Oh dear, I'm cravingin now. That's a problem. LOL!

Jeff King said...

I love my pay check; of course it could be bigger. I love my computer... I couldn't write without it.
I love my TV, I love car, I love my books, and I love to eat… So I love food.
I love my friends and family, I love caffeine, I love my bed - well at least I love to sleep.
I love feedback on my manuscripts, I love people who now more about English than I do… so they can correct my works as well.

Lisa Miles said...

I'm with you on that last one, Jeff!

Janna Leadbetter said...

You have some great favorite things!

Some of mine are books, chai tea, chips and dip, antiques, journals, John Mayer's music and the show Castle.

Lisa Miles said...

Good ones, Janna! I like John Mayer too, although I wasn't crazy about his Playboy interview.

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