My Bionic Arm

When my parents had been married twelve years, they decided to renew their wedding vows in a small ceremony in our attic. A lot of our family came to help celebrate.

When the priest shook the holy water onto my parents, a little bit of it got on my left arm. I could actually feel my arm becoming stronger and bionic.

When the ceremony was done, I had all of my cousins come down into my bedroom and I told them about my newly bionic arm. Of course no one believed me, so I proved it by lifting up the end of my twin bed with my left hand.

Their doubtful chit-chat faded and no one said anything. But I think they were impressed.


Terra said…
Wow, very original.
Deb said…
Awesome!! I always wanted a bionic arm. :)
Lisa Miles said…
You just need a little holy water, Deb:)
Bossy Betty said…
Well of course! I would have been impressed as well. Is it still bionic!
Carolyn V. said…
SWEET! Bionic arms are awesome! ;)
So cool. Do you have to have it maintained with frequent sprinkles? ;)
Lisa Miles said…
Betty, it's definitely still bionic. I like to show it off when I carry fifteen bags of groceries on that arm.

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