How to Get Punished by Scaring an Old Lady

I found a little white jewelry box one time, and I cut a hole in the bottom and stuck my finger through. Then I put cotton balls around my finger and added some ketchup for a nice blood effect. I thought this would be a great trick to play on our 70 year old neighbor, Mary.

I ran over to her house, rang her doorbell and waited. When she came to the door I told her I had a present for her. She smiled as I held up the box for her to open.

When she opened it, she screamed.


She scared me, so I screamed and ran off her porch and back to my house. I couldn't understand why she screamed instead of laughed. I thought it was really funny.

Although I didn't think it was too funny when she came over and told my mom.


Pat Tillett said…
Even if you got in trouble, that was a great prank! I'm going to to do it to my granddaughter. Thanks!
Joy Argento said…
I did the same exact thing to my grandmother and told her I found it in her garden. She calmly looked at it and told me "go throw that thing out", like it was normal to find a finger in the garden, but I wasn't suppose to play with it.
Guinevere said…
LOL! That was too funny. I love that you got scared too.
Lisa Miles said…
Pat, let me know how your granddaugter likes it:)

Joy, that's hysterical!

Guinevere, I think I was more scared of what my dad was going to do to me when he found me (I tended to hide under my bed when I was in trouble).
prashant said…
She calmly looked at it and told me "go throw that thing out",
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