My Vision Board

I made my first-ever vision board the other night. Not only was it fun finding the right pictures, printing, gluing and decorating (with glitter glue, of course), but it’s awesome to look at when I’m sitting down to write. It’s a constant reminder of what I want and what I’m working towards. Every picture on there means something to me. Whether it’s where I want to live or work, or what I want to become. I can’t not feel happy and excited for the future every time I see it. It makes me want to make a bunch of them and put them all over the house. Or, at least bring one to work to remind me why I’m cleaning houses every day.
If you’re interested in making one (or two) for yourself, here’s a great how-to link: How to Make a Vision Board. On you can make a virtual vision board. I haven't tried this because I like doing it myself.  If you make one take a picture and send me the link. I’d love to see what you did!


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