Me & Sarah Dessen

I tried. I really tried. I got through Just Listen, then I tried Lock and Key and This Lullaby. And I just couldn't finish the last two. I like the plots of her stories, I just feel like they start to drag about midway through the book.

I don't have any time during the day to read, so I read novels at bedtime. I know when I'm dreading going to bed because I don't want to read the novel I have next to my bed, I've got a problem. I'm still at the point where I can finish This Lullaby if I wanted, but it's just not keeping my interest. If I wanted to pick up Lock and Key again I'd definitely have to start over because I've forgetten most of it by now.

On another note, I found a great book thanks to someone's blog on here (sorry, I forgot who). Jennifer Brown's Hate List has been keeping me up late at night. I'm halway through it now and hope I finish it soon so I can get some sleep. It can be a little dark and depressing, but it's a very good read. She really draws you in with the main character who is questioning her involvement in the school shooting her boyfriend did. I'd recommend it!

Next I have Lisa Yee's Absolutely Maybe waiting next to my bed. I heard her read an exerpt on a podcast and got it from the library the next day. Looking forward to that one!


Windy Aphayrath said…
Aww, sad, I love Sarah Dessen. And actually, THIS LULLABY is my fave of her books. As much as I adore her books/stories, I think she does take a little while to get the real story going. Still, I say finish THIS LULLABY. If you decide to pick up another Sarah Dessen ... I suggest trying ALONG FOR THE RIDE.
Lisa Miles said…
I'll try finishing it. I like the MC, Remy. She's not your typical MC. I'll finish it right after I'm done with Hate List:)
Jolene Perry said…
Glad I'm not the only one losing sleep over books.
Luna said…
I read my first Sarah Dessen this summer. I really enjoyed Keeping the Moon, but I haven't checked out any others. Usually I go for paranormals, so we'll see if I venture out again.

I actually struggled with the Twilight series and never finished. If I don't like the MC, I don't usually want to finish.

Happy reading! New books are always so lovely. :)
Carolyn V. said…
I need to read that book. I love a book that will pull me into it. =)
BK Mattingly said…
That sounds like a fantastic book! I'll have to check it out :)

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