Monday, March 01, 2010

Where Do You Moms (and other really busy people) Find the Time to Write

I'm a mom to one four year old son. I'm also a foster parent but we're not fostering at the moment, (we will be as soon), and we own a small cleaning business. I have a very hard time finding time to write.

This past weekend my son was sick with a fever and cough. And while I hate it that he was sick, I got a ton of writing done because we laid around the house all weekend.

What is your writing schedule like? Do you even have one? For now, mine isn't anything set in stone. I just write whenever I have a few minutes to spare, and sometimes that's none at all.

How do you do it?


Christine Danek said...

I write when I can. I have a 4 yr old and a 1 1/2 yr old (whom I'm holding right now and typing with one hand) so no schedule here. I also work part time. It seems when I have a great idea it always comes when I can't get to my laptop or even get a pen to write it down. I try my best:) I have to keep me happy too:)

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

I hear ya' ladies! I have four kids that constantly talk, need, ask & want. I write at 1am on nights I have a late shift. No one is up and it's so quiet. I also steal moments. If I don't get the words down when they are "stirring" (the words), it just won't translate right. Sometimes I just grab a paper - even a crayon! Usually I hop on the laptop and race to type it in while I'm saying to the kids, "uh-huh, just a minute..."

Bossy Betty said...

My kids are older now, but I found the car was a great place to write down ideas, etc. I always keep a notebook there.

Tess said...

oh, I remember those days ... it was difficult when my kids were little. I remember hiring a 10 y/o 'mommys helper' to come play with the little ones in the summer months. I'd pay her four or five dollars and she'd play with them for two hours and allow me to write. It was worth the money!

Now, I'm an old lady and all my little ones are in school. It is a blessing to my work but I miss those baby cuddles and sticky finger hugs :D

Natalie said...

I can totally relate. My kids are 2, 4, and 6, so my days are pretty busy. I usually try to write while the 6- year- old is at school and the 2-year-old naps. I either turn on a movie for the 4-year-old or she draws on the floor by my desk while I try to write. It isn't a perfect system, but it works some days.

Having your own business on top of everything makes it crazier I bet. I can barely keep up with the kids and my own house cleaning. Just keep writing, even if you only get a little bit done everyday--every little bit helps.

Caroline Starr Rose said...

Before mine were in school, I'd aim for three writing sessions a week. No specific length of time, no word count, just three different times in front of the computer. Anything beyond this was a bonus.

For a few years, I'd get a sitter and write one day a week at a coffe shop in two-hour sessions. I loved this time.

The process was slow, but this sort of sensible, forgiving schedule worked for me when mine were young.

Crystal Cook said...

This is such a tough one for me too, I have three kids and only one of them is school age. My husband works full time, actively volunteers with our church (15-20 hours a week) and he has his own business. So I HAVE to have something that is just for me or I lose my mind. I wake up really early (like 5 that's early for me) and write for an hour or two. Then I know I've done something for myself and am better able to fully devote myself to my kids through the day. If I miss a morning, I'm grouchy because I'm wondering all day if I'll be able to squeeze in some writing time.

Terra said...

I don't have a writing schedule now, but write every day, even if only for a few minutes.
For a couple of years I got up one hour early to write. For me, that was 6 a.m. and I was the first one awake for one hour of writing time.

Angie said...

I wrote only short stories for a decade because it was hard to find time to finish anything longer. I'm getting back into novel writing now. I usually write when everyone is bed, which means I stay up way too late. Saturdays have been a good day for extra writing lately. I've been leaving everyone home and heading out to the library for two or three hours. That's worked well. You just need to find what works for you, even if it's only a short time. You'll get there!

DL Hammons said...

I guess I fall in the 'other busy people' category. :) It is indeed a challenge and not without significant sacrifices. A LOT of late nights, early mornings, and weekends spent staring at nothing but this monitor. If it was work I would have given it up long ago, but it's not.

zz said...

I really admire mums, it never ceases to amaze me how selfless, patient, sacrificial you guys are!!

Now I feel lame for not writing for reasons like "I'm going to eat this orange instead of writing for the next hour..."

Anyway, I like to wake up early on Saturday mornings and write for a few hours at my favourite cafe. I also write on the train to or from work.

Anonymous said...

I have twin doodles that are in school full time now so I write while they're away. Or late at night. ;)

Janna Leadbetter said...

Like the first commenter said, I write when I can. My most productive hours are in the morning, but the kids don't always allow that. If I can be good and strictly follow a routine, they understand my stretch of writing time, but it can't be set in stone. Not until next year, when my youngest goes to kindergarten. Sometimes it has to be random snatches.

Christine said...

I started out in romance, then shifted to fantasy. Now I'm in love with YA, bringing some of that romance and fantasy with me. And I too have been collecting and ready YA books like crazy. Good Luck with your book. I'm a follower now and will be back often.

The Kid In The Front Row said...

i think that whether you're a mum with 9 kids, or some dude who's 19 with no responsibilities, finding the commitment and drive and time to SIT and WRITE is difficult.

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