Friday, February 12, 2010

Out of the Closet in 1st Grade

I went to #30 school for first grade. Every morning I walked by myself down Otis Street to the school. There were always a bunch of kids outside the door waiting to get in. The older mature (10 years old) security guards wore their safety belts guarding the doors. No one was getting past them until it was time to go in.

One morning when I got to the doors there was no one there. Not one kid was outside. I was super late. Or so I thought.

I ran through the doors and down to my first grade classroom. It was completely empty. I wasn't late, I was early.

Instead of going back outside to wait for other kids to show up, like a normal person, I decided to climb into the coat closet and sit on the floor and wait.

I don't know how long I waited in the dark on the floor, but eventually I heard kids coming into the room. I nonchalantly slid the closet door open, stepped out, hung up my coat and sat down.

If I looked suspicious, no one ever said anything.


Jeanette Levellie said...

What a hoot! This sounds like something I would've done in first grade--wait, I did that yesterday, and I'm the teacher!

Just kidding...

Happy Weekend and Happy Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

That's hilarious!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

LOL! Great story! :-)

Unknown said...

It was a different time back then, right? I remember walking to school at that age, too. It was pretty far to my school, at least a twenty-five minute walk. My kids are eleven and nine, and I don't even let them go around the block in our neighborhood! Of course, thanks to the online national registry of sex-offenders, I know of one living close by... Ignorance really was bliss!

I found your blog from Tara's site. We have almost the same background :)) Same taste, both writers...I'm signing on as your follower!

Looking forward to reading more from you. Happy Valentines Day!

Lisa Miles said...

Thanks for the comments:)
Nicole, I used to walk a long, long ways by myself in K-4th grades. I would never let my son do that now. Although he's only four so I wouldn't let him do it anyway:)

Raine Chasing said...

Thats cute. Why were you so early?

Lisa Miles said...

I have no idea. I couldn't tell time, that's for sure.

Mary Gray said...

hehe Funny excerpt. I love your profile!!

Lisa Miles said...

Thanks for visiting:)

Caroline Starr Rose said...

My neighbor and I once left for school so early, we had plenty of time to collect more snails and bugs and kick more rocks than usual.

When we got to our empty playground, we were really amazed at how much time we still had to play before school began.

Then we heard the Pledge over the PA system and broke into a run.

Thanks for following!

Lisa Miles said...

Caroline, I love that story!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Lisa! You were such a cute little girl! I can imagine how scared you were--poor thing. ((hugs)) to the little girl in you!!

Thank you for following my blog!!! :)

Hardygirl said...

Too funny! Totally something I would have done. You must write this into a middle grade novel. Priceless!!

KoooalaBurr said...

that was so funny! I could not stop laughing for a while.

Lisa Miles said...

Thanks:) I did so many stupid things when I was younger, I'm glad it can entertain people now.

Dawn Simon said...

That's a cute story! Kids are awesome.

Thanks for the follow! :)

KA said...

I would totally have done something like that at that age. I would get humiliated at the tiniest things. Like when I had to go to the bathroom and was too embarrassed to ask permission...Let's just say that story didn't have a happy ending.

Jessica Nelson said...

Oh my goodness, what a cute story! :-)
I saw you on my sidebar and wanted to pop by and say hello!
You have a great blog look!

Kate said...

Thats brilliant. I wonder if anyone noticed!

Kate xx

Lisa Miles said...

Thanks for visiting!
Kaylie, I was always so embarrassed, too. I'd rather wet my pants than get up or speak up in front of anyone! Thank God that changed:)

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