Wednesday, February 24, 2010

24 Homes in 40 Years

I figured out today that I've lived in 24 different homes in less than 40 years. It's actually not as many as I thought, but still too much moving around.

I also went to six different schools, but that's not so bad considering the amount of times I've moved. We're scheduled to close on our new house (my 25th) next Wednesday. This is after ten long years of renting.

I'm trying not to think about it too much, because the wait can drive one insane. Our tiny townhouse is about a quarter of the way packed. And if I could just stop shopping for the new house, we probably wouldn't be so cramped.

I know I mentioned this in a previous post, but I think it deserves mentioning again. When my ex-husband and I split up over ten years ago, I left our house and basically started life over. My current husband and I started out in a tiny apartment, and have lived in various small places since then.

When we first got together, I told him I wanted to own a house again by the time I was 40. That was ten years down the road, and even being that far away, I wasn't sure it would ever happen again.

That's why I find it truly amazing that although we're closing next week, we have movers coming March 40th birthday. I think that is so cool (and I secretly think my mom had a big hand in lining everything up for us.)

Thanks, Mom.


Kristi Faith said...

Congrats on the house! I hope it all goes smoothly for you. :0) And happy birthday!

Raine Chasing said...

You set your path in stone (mentally) when you told him you wanted to own a home by the time you were 40. And fate took you down that road.

I'm so happy for you :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I made one of those resolutions too. I said that I wanted our own place by the time my dudes were 2 and 3 days shy of it, we got our own appt. I said I wanted our own home by the time our dudes were 5 and just in time, that happened too. =] Fate (and someone up there) must be watching out for us both.

Congratulations again!

zz said...

Congrats on your home, that is great news! It's so wonderful to set a goal and then actually get there!

24 homes in 40 year is stacks! I've lived in 16 homes across 3 countries and about 8 schools so far and I'm 25 :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing like moving into your own place. Congrats! and do some serious celebrating.

Stephen Tremp

DL Hammons said...

I'm a military brat and moved around probably as much when I was young. But since I turned 25, I've only lived in three locations.

Crystal Cook said...

So happy for you :D you deserve it.

Bossy Betty said...

Congratulations on the house! You have certainly moved enough for one lifetime!

Rachele Alpine said...

Wow! That's a lot of houses! We're house shopping right now, and I figure by the time that's done, we'll have gone into about a million. Congrats on your house!

Rosslyn Elliott said...

I can relate! I attended nine schools before I graduated from high school.


Terra said...

Congratulations on buying your home. I hope your family will find joy there, and be very blessed.
How exciting for you after all those moves!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

COngratulations! It always amazes me the way things work out like that.

We Did Something Crazy

 A little over three weeks ago, we packed up a moving truck and closed the door to our New York house for the last time. We spent the night ...