Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Help Helped

I finally finished reading The Help the other night. One of our customers gave it to me to read a while ago, and I kept trying to get into it but couldn't. The dialect of one of the main characters was annoying at first, but I pushed through reading for a few chapters and couldn't put it down.

I discovered the coolest thing with this book. I've been working on notes for a YA novel for a few weeks now. I have three main characters and wanted to write all of them in first person. I didn't know how to do this without it being confusing to the reader. The author of The Help did this seamlessly with her three characters. Every chapter was a different character throughout the book. They all had distinct voices, accents and personalitlies that made it easy to tell them apart even if I didn't know whose chapter it was. This is the first book I've read with three main characters, and it came along at just the right time.

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