I'm going to paint that bench (for our flat screen to go on) and add the little lamp shades (like above right) to the rest of the lights.
We also knocked down our kitchen /dining room wall (and by WE I mean my dad and his wife). (Don't look at my dead roses). My brother will be remodeling our kitchen some time this summer. For now it's a great open space for us. Such a difference.
Every day and night we literally have had thing after thing to do. Yesterday we cleaned two houses, then went back to our apartment and cleaned stuff out for three hours. I felt so bad we didn't get home to our son until almost six o'clock at night. No sooner were we in the house when the doorbell rang and the life insurance guy was here (we forgot he was coming). He was here for two hours and finally left at 8pm when we still have to have dinner.
It has pretty much been this crazy since we moved in. I told Mike that after this weekend, we need to slow down. No more major projects (except furniture for the basement, but that's fun). I want to just concentrate on unpacking everything and enjoy being a family in our new house. And start blogging again!!
Looks like lots of work and I love that cedar trim! Glad you're back!
I broke out in a sweat just looking at the pictures. Phew!!
Hurry back!!
I love that color in the basement. Of course I would, I have a red brick living room and a fire brick red office in my house.
Your kitchen/dining room open area look much like mine with the little dip in the middle. I can't wait til ours is complete. We need to sand and paint and install carpet.
Hurry back, I miss reading your post and chatting to you online.
Moving is always hard work! You'll get back to blogging before you know it though!
Huge projects .. but how wonderful it will be when it is all finished and you have the space you want.
and, thanks for the laugh when you wrote "and by WE I mean my dad..."
Yeah, wow - so much work in moving :)
How dare you let "real life" interfer with blogging...
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