Monday, August 15, 2011

Smart Idea or Big Mistake

The other day I had the idea of moving all of the crafts from out of the locked cupboard in the toy closet, to in the schoolroom where they're easier for Bug to get to. Once I started moving stuff, he was all over me asking to make different projects. Basically when they were in the cupboard he couldn't see anything, so he didn't know what we had. Now it's all out in the open.

I debated for a while on whether or not to do this. We've had kids come to our house in the past who have opened craft bins of feathers, beads, wood pieces, etc. and had them all over the room. That's the reason I locked everything up. But we don't have little kids here that often, and why should Bug not have everything out in the open? It is his stuff. So I made the schoolroom include crafts, and the toy closet now has just toys (and a few homeschooling books).

I just hope I'm not sorry when we do have kids over. Like next week for his birthday party (please don't let it rain!). I'm just going to tell kids the schoolroom is off limits, but the toy room is all theirs.

One of these days I'll remember to take "before" pictures.

Since I decided to stop using worksheets for school, I went through my file of them and I'm getting rid of a ton.  I have friends who homeschool, so I'll pass them along.

At least I had fun laminating them.

I'm so glad I made room for his Legos in the living room. He sits here a lot and plays.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Legos are awesome!! I noticed the same thing w/ the kids after I put their crafty things out. I do think you just have to give the neighborkids the rules when they come over!

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