About a month ago I started to look into why Bug won't sit still during school. My normal excuse was that he's a five year old boy and he isn't supposed to sit still. But if I'm going to homeschool him, he needs to sit for a least a little while.
Being three months premature with substances in his system, his doctors have always said he'd most likely have ADHD. So that is where I started. I read through about seven books on ADHD trying to figure out if I should have him tested. One night while I was telling my husband all of the symptoms of ADHD he stopped me mid-sentence and said, " You're describing yourself. You do all of those things."
He was right. From not finishing almost anything I start (novels, projects, etc.) to getting so overwhelmed during the day because of the to-do list in my head, that I don't accomplish a single thing. The more I read about adult ADHD, the more I thought I had it.
The worst part about the way I've felt for years, is the foggy feeling I've always had. From the minute I woke up until I went to bed I just felt like everything was too much; sort of a sensory overload. And it made me grouchy and moody. I had an incredibly hard time concentrating on anything, including writing. That fifteen minute window of free time I had? There was no way I could just sit and write. I had to be in the right frame of mind, which was almost never.
I don't like taking drugs (and couldn't afford it anyway without prescription insurance), but a girlfriend told me about Synaptol. It's a totally natural medicine made to provide relief of symptoms of ADHD. My husband thought it was worth a try since he knew how much I struggled day to day. It was $32.95 (including shipping) for a 30 day supply. I received it in two day and have been taking it for three weeks now.
There are three different types of ADHD:
- combined ADHD (the most common), which involves all of the symptoms
- inattentive ADHD (previously known as ADD), which is marked by impaired attention and concentration
- hyperactive-impulsive ADHD, which is marked by hyperactivity without inattentiveness
Here are a few symptoms of adult ADHD:
It took about two weeks to kick in, but I can't tell you the difference it's made. My husband says he sees a huge change in me. He says I'm much calmer than I used to be, I don't snap for no reason, and I have a lot more patience (which I've also noticed being home with a five year old and six month old). I honestly feel like a different person. Anyway, if you think you might have ADHD this is worth a try. And the best part is it's completely natural ingredients; it's also safe for kids.
I also have ADHD. I've known about it since childhood, and have never taken any kind of medication for it. I tend to like most of the symptoms and have learned to channel my constant energy in order to get more done.
It's exciting that you have found a treatment that is working for you. But in general, I would say, don't see this as a negative. There are a lot of very successful people with ADHD. There is absolutely no reason why you can't be one of them.
Thanks for the comment, Kate! I wouldn't take a prescription for ADHD, but I like that fact that this is all natural, and it seems to help me focus much more:)
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