Friday, August 19, 2011

Art Journals

Even though I'm not following a curriculum or schedule this year for homeschool, I do want Bug to do an Art Journal. I've been wanting to do one myself for some time, so we started them yesterday. Bug has always been into any kind of arts and crafts, so he was excited to have his own journal. The hard part for him was when he wanted me to draw in it and I said he had to. I told him he'd figure it out, and eventually he did.

He used markers (fat & thin), colored pencils, and watercolors.

He wanted to draw the world, but was having a tough time just looking at the map on our wall. I gave him tracing paper and it worked perfectly.

It's supposed to be the sign for infinity, but Bug loves the "8's" so much, that he wants to do one with numbers and letters. Yay!

The mask he made. Yes, it's blood.

My first time trying watercolors. Bad picture but lots of fun!

Painted with watercolors.

My new table caddy (1/2 off) from Michael's. 

Though I'm doing my own version of unschooling this year, I used workboxes last year and liked them. I've always wanted this particular one, but it was $80 wherever I looked. I happened to find this one at Michael's for $34!


chickadeegirl said...

Great art work! No art work is ever bad or wrong. It's art!!! You're water color is beautiful. I love the deals you got at Michael's too. I spend way too much time and money at all the "craft" stores...but I love it!

Lisa Miles said...

I like to try all different types of crafts, and I saw one of my girlfriends was doing watercolors. I'm an idiot because I didn't realize watercolors were just the cheap little paints your kids have. We have LOTS of those:)

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