Friday, January 21, 2011

What Is Your Dream Writing Space?

I got spoiled. We rented a house on the lake for three years and this was our view. My writing room didn't face it directly, but the living room and dining room did. And I could sit outside anytime (excpet the winter, of course) and write.

We've moved twice since then and I finally have a writing studio I decorated and painted myself (something you can't do when you're renting). It's purple and girly and beautiful. And because it's up on the third floor of the house, I rarely get up there. I really need to get a heater up there now. It's freezing! But it's there, and it's mine.

My desk is in front of the window that overlooks the front of the house and the street. The only negative part is the door is behind me. I'm always afraid someone is going to come up behind and scare me. (You can tell I've had this done before). I really am very happy with my writing space. It's the one room where it's completely me.

But if I had unlimited funds and could do whatever I wanted, I'd definitely move back to the lake and have a room with loads of windows facing the water.

What is your dream writing space?


Kristin Rae said...

A writing room with a view of water sounds incredible. I've always dreamed of having a writing loft type thing--the only room upstairs to be mine and I would up string Christmas lights and have a whole cork board wall to pin up my inspirations!

Lisa Miles said...

I love Christmas lights! I just hung some up around my window in my writing room, and I added some lantern-type lights also. Lights make it feel so cozy! And I love the corkboard idea!

Stephanie said... this point I'm happy if I can sit on my couch and write without someone needing the TV on!

I do have plans for my own writing room some day, when my daughter moves out. She's 8 now. So unless we hit the lotto or a sell a million books, and can move to a new house with an extra bedroom, I gotta wait at least a decade or so for my writing room.

Tess said...

I tried to create a couple of dream writing spaces in my is a great library with a comfy chaise. But I always end up in my crappy, falling apart office. what gives with that?

Mara McBain said...

I have always dreamed of a loft with tons of windows or even more fun one of those rooms on the rooftop with 360 windows (there would have to be book cases under the windows) and either a wooded or water view. A fireplace too. I don't want much. LOL

Pat Tillett said...

If I'm not inspired and in the mood to write, I can't write anywhere. If I'm inspired and in the mood, I can write anywhere. Thank goodness for laptops!

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