Thursday, January 06, 2011

How I Embarrass Myself Part 3

If you're my Facebook friend, you'll know that we have a cleaning customer who has about a quarter mile long drive way that's all uphill. Two weeks ago the snow on his driveway was mostly gone so we made it up the hill and parked. He asked us to back up a little so he could get out and our car (and my husband) ended up sliding most of the way down his driveway and smashed into a tree. Luckily no one was hurt, including our car where my husband was able to bang out the dent. The house owner (who I call Indiana Jones because he looks just like him) hooked a chain under our car and pulled us out.

Needless to say, we now park at the bottom of his driveway and walk up. And I seriously need more exercise. I'm huffing and puffing when I get up there.

Anyway, yesterday when we were leaving the house and getting read for our hike back to the car, we heard a dog bark from next door (they share a driveway). The dog looked like a rottweiler and came running at us. I completely froze, afraid it would bite us.

Mike said not to worry because its tail was wagging. I wasn't so convinced. Maybe he was happy he'd found two large chunks of meat a long ways from their car.

Mike told me to keep walking and went back to listening to his headphones, but I was positive the dog was about to pounce on me any second.

I took a few steps and, without moving my head, glanced back to see if he was following me us...I was concerned for both of us, not just me...right. When I looked back, I saw a bunch of fur and just knew he was in a mid-air leap for my head. I screamed and ran.

Mike looked at me like I was nuts. "The dog! It's chasing me!" I yelled.

Mike looked back. "No it's not. It's sniffing the fence."

When I glanced back again, I realized two things: one, he was right, the dog was way back near the house sniffing the fence; and two, what I had seen chasing me was the fur from the hood on my coat. Luckily Mike didn't (and doesn't) know this.

"Well, he was very close and I saved us with my scream. I scared him," I told Mike.



Kristi said...

I promise I'm laughing with you and not at you. *grin*

Great story! Glad to hear you made it out alive. ;)

Ava Z. said...


I'm glad you escaped Cujo and lived to tell the tale!

Cathleen Burnham said...

Oh my God. I am laughing so hard. I got one for you now. I was at my gym. I had put my white coat in a locker without locking it. Who would want my dirty, white coat? Anyway, I worked out, and had a few minutes before my appointment, so grabbed my coat out of the locker, got a cup of coffee & read the paper. Then, I went to get my coat out of my locker (already mentioned that, member?), and saw someone had placed a lock on my locker. I looked through all the other lockers to make sure I hadn't put my coat in another locker, got the lockerroom attendant, who pointed out the white coat in the locker below my locker and said,"Oh, this happens all the time. Someone put their coat in the lower locker, then accidentally locked yours." "I've got to be at an appointment," I said with what was a lot of restraint, I thought. The attendant said she could break the lock for me, which I agreed to. She comes back with GIANT bolt cutters, and tries to cut off the lock, which she can't do. So, she starts calling around to get help getting into my locker. Me and another woman in the locker room decide WE can get that lock cut, so together, we hefted the bolt cutters into place and heaved until the lock snapped. At which point, the lock dropped off, I opened the locker, and said, "That's not my stuff." The woman says, "Someone stole your coat!" I said, "Yes. Someone stole my (old, dirty white) coat." So, I went to the front desk to get paper to write a note explaining my embarassing situation, and as I'm returning to put it into the locker, I see my coat on the back of the chair I'd left it on while I drank coffee & read the paper. I also saw the locker room attendant whom I'd convinced to break the lock. I wanted to just run, but she would have seen me getting my coat off the chair, so I told her I thought I must be having a mental breakdown and that my coat had been on the chair all along. Now. That's. Embarassing.

Kelly H-Y said...

That is hilarious! I've done the SAME thing, except with spiders!

Lisa Miles said...

Oh, Cathleen, you're waaaay more embarrassing than I am! Haha!

Raine Chasing said...

ROFL! (with you of course). :)

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