Friday, January 07, 2011

I Had My Doubts...

...that this day would ever come. A little over two years ago we weren't even sure we'd get to see Joey turn three. Now tomorrow he's turning five and he's ours forever. We went through three and a half years of not knowing if we'd get to adopt him through foster care. It was one big emotional roller coaster, and unless you've been through it, it can't even be explained.

There were many nights I cried myself to sleep trying to imagine our life without the little boy who brought us so, so much joy. During the day I'd tell myself to try not to get too attached to him because he could be leaving. That was absolutely impossible. Anyone who knows my son knows what an amazing little person he is. He is funny, smart, goofy, curious and compassionate.

The day he was freed for adoption (12-8-08) was literally the happiest day of my life. I told strangers in the grocery store that we were going to be able to adopt him. I couldn't stop beaming and I wanted the world to know how lucky we were to be a family forever.

Happy 5th birthday, Joey! We love you more than you'll ever know.

(The picture above was taken right after we got home from celebrating, the day he was freed.)


Pat Tillett said...

that is such a happy and "feel good" story! Happy Birthday to Joey!

Raine Chasing said...

Happy be-lated Birthday JOEY!!!

We Did Something Crazy

 A little over three weeks ago, we packed up a moving truck and closed the door to our New York house for the last time. We spent the night ...