Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When a New Character Won't Shut Up

I've been happily plodding along working on my YA novel about two sixteen year old girls. I have the entire thing mapped out (but I'm not afraid to go off track), and I've been writing every day. I love my characters, plot and ending.

Then, out of nowhere, a new character and story pops up. Not only is he unwelcomed, but he's a HE! I've never written a male main character before, and I had no intention of doing so.

I was in the car one day with my five year old, when he asked me a question about our family life. I could have answered one of two ways: I could have given him an I-don't-know-now-stop-talking-about-it-answer, or I could be honest like I usually am when he asks questions. I went with honesty, and as I was explaining I started to wonder if I was telling him too much for an almost-six year old to comprehend.

Then I started wondering about him at fifteen and being neurotic and worrying about things too much because I told him too much when he was a kid. BAM! I had a character. That night I tossed and turned in bed as the male character told me his name, where he lived, and what his parents were like. I finally had to get up and find some index cards to write stuff down. Then I fell asleep.

Now I have THIS kids story practically writing itself every day. I'm taking notes like a good little writer, but I'm trying to refrain from actually writing anything until I'm done with my current ya.

I'm not complaining, believe me. I'd much rather have characters throwing themselves at me than feeling like I'm a brain dead writer who can't come up with anything.

Has this happened to you? How do you handle it? Have you ever had the urge to write about something/someone unfamiliar?

Monday, October 24, 2011

When Your Characters Surprise You

You always hear to let your characters tell their story and see where they take you. I used to think that sounded like a bunch of weird, writerly mumbo jumbo. But it's been happening to me lately.

I've been working on my young adult novel every day (a miracle in itself). I get anywhere from a thousand words to one sentence, but I make sure I get something down. Since I've always had a hard time finishing stories and holding my interest in them, my main goal with this novel is to just plow through the first draft until the end. I'm writing bad, bad embarrassing stuff like you're supposed to in your first draft. I'm not allowing myself to fix anything. I'm just writing.

And a cool thing just happened. I was writing a scene with my main character (a sixteen year old girl) eating breakfast with a couple of woman she'd just met. I had no idea where I was going with this scene, I just knew I wanted one of the woman to drive her to her next destination. While eating breakfast my mc asked how the two woman met, and they each gave such a funny response that I was actually excited to learn how they met. And I had to stop writing for the day so I still don't know. But that's a great feeling to look forward to what my characters will tell me when I get back.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Top 5 Reasons Why I Homeschool

I failed sixth grade. And it wasn't much of a surprise considering my parents got divorced that year, and our home life was anything but stable. One of the things I specifically remember about attending sixth grade in my new school, was asking the teacher to teach more about a subject and him telling he he wasn't allowed. In my first sixth grade class we studied Europe in great detail. For some reason I loved, understood, and craved to know more about everything Europe. (I say "for some reason" because I ended up being a bad student the rest of my school years. That was the one time I was really interested.) When I got to my new school and it was barely touched on before moving on to another subject, I protested. I wanted to know more. I would have even been happy relearning everything I'd already been taught about it. But it couldn't and wouldn't be done. It wasn't allowed.

This is a perfect example of why I love homeschooling. Here was a kid who wanted to learn more than they were willing or allowed to teach. Below are my top five reasons I love to homeschool:

  1. When my son was interested in the Titanic, we spent weeks studying books, movies and documentaries on it. I will never tell him he can't learn more about a subject he is interested in. I'm lucky and thankful that he's so into big things for a five year old like space, evolution, God, and a few things I can't even wrap my brain around. But we will study his interests and learn as much as we can about whatever he's into.
  2. Nothing beats one on one teaching. Not only does it provide instant feedback, but everything we do is tailored to fit his needs. Our school is planned around him...what he likes, what he's interested in, what he'd like to try, etc. 
  3. Being a writer I'm huge on creativity. I love nothing more than my son and I getting our art supplies out and creating something. Whether we work on our art journals, makes cards for people or just wing it and put stickers all over a sheet of paper, I love being creative with him. And teaching him at home lets him be as creative as he can possibly be. There's no one here to tell him his time is up and he has to move onto something else. He can draw all day long if he wants. And when we were working on our 8ft. New York City drawing, that's exactly what we did. 
  4. I don't think for a second that kids need to be surrounded by kids their own age all day long. I love the fact that my son is learning social skills towards people of all ages. He introduces himself to kids, shakes men's hands, and high-fives the ladies:) He's learning to look people in the eye when both he and they speak, to not interrupt and to be polite. I've seen him hold doors for strangers, pick up things off store floors and put them on shelves so people don't trip, and pick up a garbage can when someone ran over our neighbors'. This is all without being told. 
  5. My very tip top reason that I love to homeschool is...I get to spend day after day with my son. I couldn't imagine sending him off for six or seven hours a day (and I know he feels the same way). I feel like the luckiest mommy in the world to be the one to teach, explore, and hang out with him all day.
Obviously I know homeschooling isn't for everyone. Lord knows I get enough eye rolls when people learn we homeschool. But I also know there are a lot of people out there who want to homeschool but don't know where to begin, or they're afraid they'll mess it up. But if you feel that calling, do it. Just try it. The very worst that can happen is it doesn't work and you end up sending your kid back to school. But don't be like so many people I've met with grown kids who say they always wanted to but were too afraid. My Bug is only five and a half, but we're having the time of our life together. Every day.

See What Quitting Facebook Can Do

Ok, so I know it's only been four days since I deleted my Facebook account. But I have to say...I don't miss it at all. At least not yet. My husband thinks I will in a few weeks.

We'll see.

I'm still planning on coming back in July. (Even though my awesome friend started a Bring Back Lisa Miles page on Facebook.)

So far this week I've:
  • Joined the YMCA -- This is something I've been wanting to do forever and we finally did it. We went yesterday and today with our friends. Yesterday was the first time I've ever left my five year old in a play area without me right there, and he did great! Although he did have his best friends with him, so that helped.
    • I've used the treadmill, bike machine and one of the exercise rooms with equipment. Afterwards we take the kids into one of the play areas or swimming. Of course, all that great exercise I've been doing was probably just undone by the chocolate chip pancakes I made for lunch today.
  • Been writing on my current WIP -- After putting it aside for a few months, I'm finally back on the writing bandwagon and working on my ya novel. It feels good to stare off into space about my story again.
  • Came up with a new memoir/fiction idea that I'm tossing around. I feel like it's a story that needs to be written down, I'm just not sure if I want to fictionalize it or have anyone read it.
  • I'm also tossing around the idea I have for my next ya  novel. I haven't written anything down on it yet, mostly for fear that I'll start on that one and forget my current one. But it's bubbling up there.
And there have only been two times where I've thought about posting on Facebook. One was the other day when I saw two pregnant woman sharing a cigarette, and the other was when my son said something funny:

                         Me: Daddy bought a new grill.
                        Him: What's he going to do with you?
                        Me: With me, what do you mean?
                        Him: If he bought a new girl, what's going to happen to you?

And that's it for my four days without Facebook. Hopefully I'll have alot more added to that. If I'm not to sore from working out to crawl to the computer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

I learned a lot. About myself. I learned that while I might be able to go, go, go and have plans all day every week day, I will eventually burn out.

In the beginning of the summer I was taking both boys to the YMCA almost every day. Then we'd either go to my girlfriend's house, to the library, out to lunch or all three. Little by little I found myself getting home later every day. Then one Friday I stayed home. And, bam, I discovered something. I'm a homebody. I love being home. I got so much done that day and couldn't believe all of the time I had to actually do things around the house. And my relationships didn't suffer. My girlfriend and I still text or talk on the phone fifty times a day.

A few weeks ago the brakes went on our van (while I was driving with both boys in a downpour on the expressway), and I was stuck home for over a month without a car. During that month (without a choice), I slowed way down. We took nature walks, started art journals, made a Spiderman Web across our living room,  and lounged around under tents we made reading books by flashlight. I cleaned out the craft room, school room, three of the bedrooms, three bathrooms and a bunch of closets. I donated bags of clothes, toys, and household things to Goodwill.

I joined two homeschool co-ops for the Fall, but we're only going to go to one for classes. We'll use the other for field trips. Bug is finishing up karate at the YMCA this Saturday, and decided he wants to continue by earning his belts. We're signing him up at the karate academy where he'll take karate twice a week. I wish it wasn't twice a week, but I'm very happy he's so into it.

Instead of making sure our week is filled with play dates, library trips, museum trips, the zoo and everything else, we do one or two things a week and play the rest of the time.

This past summer I learned probably my most favorite lesson of all. The art of slowing down.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fall Cleaning Under Way

Last night I worked on my art journal while Bug was at Sports Camp. 

My supplies.

Bug loves to have his Legos all over the table and couch during the day. Unfortunately he kept them there all night. I had to have him put them on the shelves near the fireplace instead. Clutter drives me crazy!

For the past year we've lived here we've had blue drapes in our bedroom. I actually happen to like drapes because they're so heavy and block out the light. But they were old fashioned and driving me crazy. I decided to take the brown curtains from Bug's room and buy clips to hang them up in ours. I wish we had one more panel for each window, but it looks much better. Plus, I've been sneezing like crazy around here lately, and I'm wondering if it's dust. I washed the white sheer curtains behind the brown ones. They were very dusty! Looks like I'll be doing a Fall cleaning on each room pretty soon.

And Bug's room looks so BRIGHT now! 

This is our upstairs bathroom. I've wanted this folksy shower curtain forever and finally splurged and bought it. Now I just need to pain the bathroom.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sensory Bins & Art

I bought big containers at Target this week ($7.99) and expanded Bug's rice, and waterbead bin. I love having the larger bins (I added more waterbeads and rice to each), and he'll sit for an hour and play. We also colored the older rice last year. It was super simple and a lot of fun.

Yesterday we sat outside at our table again and worked on art projects. I'm still playing with watercolors, and Bug finished making his time capsule he got as a birthday present. 

My watercolors are nothing fancy but I enjoy doing them and coming up with new ideas.

We also made a giant tent in the living room yesterday. We had some friends over and they enjoyed it, too.

Then later we walked around Park Ave and had dinner at Jine's, then my husband and Bug had ice cream at Abbott's. After, we walked around Parkleigh and I drooled.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Art, Spiderman & a 5 Year Old's Birthday Party

Friday we decided to take our art journals outside (Bug's idea, actually). We moved our little outdoor table with umbrella to near the side of the house, so I could see the side door and and listen for the baby who was napping. I love where it is now and I think it'll get a lot more use that where it was on the patio behind the garage.

Later in the day we made a Spiderman Web maze throughout the living room. It was a LOT of fun to do, and kept Bug busy for almost two hours! When we were done, it was easy to clean up and save.

Since Bug's birthday is in the winter months, we decided to have a kids party during the summer. So yesterday we had about six kids here playing on the swingset, trampoline, and the sprinkler. The only mistake I made was waiting until yesterday to actually go out and buy everything, and mow and get the yard ready. I haven't had my vehicle for a few weeks now, since the brakes went a month ago. We finally dropped it off to have it fixed, but I've been car-less for a long time. This made it hard to get out and buy stuff, and easy to keep putting off. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Art Journals

Even though I'm not following a curriculum or schedule this year for homeschool, I do want Bug to do an Art Journal. I've been wanting to do one myself for some time, so we started them yesterday. Bug has always been into any kind of arts and crafts, so he was excited to have his own journal. The hard part for him was when he wanted me to draw in it and I said he had to. I told him he'd figure it out, and eventually he did.

He used markers (fat & thin), colored pencils, and watercolors.

He wanted to draw the world, but was having a tough time just looking at the map on our wall. I gave him tracing paper and it worked perfectly.

It's supposed to be the sign for infinity, but Bug loves the "8's" so much, that he wants to do one with numbers and letters. Yay!

The mask he made. Yes, it's blood.

My first time trying watercolors. Bad picture but lots of fun!

Painted with watercolors.

My new table caddy (1/2 off) from Michael's. 

Though I'm doing my own version of unschooling this year, I used workboxes last year and liked them. I've always wanted this particular one, but it was $80 wherever I looked. I happened to find this one at Michael's for $34!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Rusty Trusty Telescope Fun

We were excited to buy a trampoline from our good friends, who were done using it. I've always wanted one for Bug, since my dad had one when I was younger. Of course that was before they had mesh sides and spring covers.

It took my husband and our friend two days (because of rain) to put it up. I was Bug was super excited and couldn't wait. We jumped on it for a long, long time. He's a little scared of it because he doesn't like the feeling of his feet leaving the ground (the same reason he hates swings).

I love this picture because it looks like he's doing the Robot.

I love his little tip-toes.

Getting ready to do it again.

It's almost just as fun to lay there and look at the sky. When he needs a break he yells out, "Rusty Trusty Telescope" and we flop down. But it's funny how he says it. 

With our Rusty Trusty Telescopes. (I still have that record).

Neighborhood friends.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Smart Idea or Big Mistake

The other day I had the idea of moving all of the crafts from out of the locked cupboard in the toy closet, to in the schoolroom where they're easier for Bug to get to. Once I started moving stuff, he was all over me asking to make different projects. Basically when they were in the cupboard he couldn't see anything, so he didn't know what we had. Now it's all out in the open.

I debated for a while on whether or not to do this. We've had kids come to our house in the past who have opened craft bins of feathers, beads, wood pieces, etc. and had them all over the room. That's the reason I locked everything up. But we don't have little kids here that often, and why should Bug not have everything out in the open? It is his stuff. So I made the schoolroom include crafts, and the toy closet now has just toys (and a few homeschooling books).

I just hope I'm not sorry when we do have kids over. Like next week for his birthday party (please don't let it rain!). I'm just going to tell kids the schoolroom is off limits, but the toy room is all theirs.

One of these days I'll remember to take "before" pictures.

Since I decided to stop using worksheets for school, I went through my file of them and I'm getting rid of a ton.  I have friends who homeschool, so I'll pass them along.

At least I had fun laminating them.

I'm so glad I made room for his Legos in the living room. He sits here a lot and plays.

We Did Something Crazy

 A little over three weeks ago, we packed up a moving truck and closed the door to our New York house for the last time. We spent the night ...