We'll see.
I'm still planning on coming back in July. (Even though my awesome friend started a Bring Back Lisa Miles page on Facebook.)
So far this week I've:
- Joined the YMCA -- This is something I've been wanting to do forever and we finally did it. We went yesterday and today with our friends. Yesterday was the first time I've ever left my five year old in a play area without me right there, and he did great! Although he did have his best friends with him, so that helped.
- I've used the treadmill, bike machine and one of the exercise rooms with equipment. Afterwards we take the kids into one of the play areas or swimming. Of course, all that great exercise I've been doing was probably just undone by the chocolate chip pancakes I made for lunch today.
- Been writing on my current WIP -- After putting it aside for a few months, I'm finally back on the writing bandwagon and working on my ya novel. It feels good to stare off into space about my story again.
- Came up with a new memoir/fiction idea that I'm tossing around. I feel like it's a story that needs to be written down, I'm just not sure if I want to fictionalize it or have anyone read it.
- I'm also tossing around the idea I have for my next ya novel. I haven't written anything down on it yet, mostly for fear that I'll start on that one and forget my current one. But it's bubbling up there.
Me: Daddy bought a new grill.
Him: What's he going to do with you?
Me: With me, what do you mean?
Him: If he bought a new girl, what's going to happen to you?
And that's it for my four days without Facebook. Hopefully I'll have alot more added to that. If I'm not to sore from working out to crawl to the computer.
omg I am cracking up at the grill/girl mix up. SO CUTE.
I wish I could quit Facebook, but unfortunately, it's where most of my Photography business comes from. But I do have a couple days a week where I completely forget it exists anyway, so... that's kind of like quitting in a way :)
Good for you! I've done that before for a set period of time (well, didn't deactivate) and it really helped with productivity!
LOL...so funny!!! Haha...I do like keeping track of the kid quotes on the blog better than facebook, because then you can find them easily when you want to look them back up. =) I have a "quotes" tag. =)
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