Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Green Are You?

I'd like to think I'm green. But I don't really think I am. I bought all the recycable bags for groceries, but leave them in the car (or at home, or wherever they are) every single time.

I try to keep the heat low in the winter, but I have a husband who likes to walk around the house in shorts then say he's freezing and crank the heat up.

I intend to take three minute showers, but once my four year old bursts in the bathroom then leaves the door open, I'm too cold to get out so I stay in a little longer.

Considering I clean houses, I can't really bike to work.

I would gladly eat less or no meat, if it weren't for the disappointed look in his eyes my husband gets whenever I suggest a no-meat meal.

I'm not good at all about recycling batteries or ink cartridges. I'm not even sure what to do with them.

I DO, however, drink lots of water from my aluminum Yankees water bottle.

So, maybe I'm a little guacamole or algae.


Elisa said...

Haha...sounds like you're blaming your husband for your non-greenness! ;) This website is pretty cool. You type in what you want to recycle and they tell you where. earth911 dot com.

PS: You can't really either use non-toxic cleaners, since you clean houses.

Lisa Miles said...

Thank you! I will definitely check that out:)

Windy Aphayrath said...

I'm with you on the grocery bags. We have lots. And they all are at home or in the car EVERY time we go to the store.

The thing I've learned is that you just have to start changing a few things at a time. Like keep a recycling bin right next to the trash can. Teach your 4-yo about saving energy and turning off the water. You'd be surprised how motivating getting crap from a 4-yo about saving the earth can be. (I have a 5-yo, I totally know).

Oh, and as for the meatless dinner thing. Don't ask the husband. Just do it. Try a vegetarian lasagna or something. Chances are, he might not even notice and then you don't have to worry about it. ;) that's what I did. lol!

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