Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I'm Either Psychic or I Have Special Powers. For Real.

I have this weird thing that happens to me all the time. And I've been paying close attention to it the last few years. I'll be talking to someone about something, and make an off-hand comment about how I'd like something (table, something for the house, etc.), and usually not too long after that, I end up getting it somehow.

Here are a few examples of this happening in the past week:

1. One of our cleaning customers went into great detail telling me about his microwave convection oven. To be honest, I'd never even heard of it. I had no idea the dozens of microwaves I clean every week also act as ovens. I told  him that it sounded cool and I wish we could get one since we're remodeling our kitchen. He even printed out a bunch of them for me to show me prices (which were too much for us!). Two days later while my husband was helping my brother move some stuff at his shop, my brother gave us a beautiful microwave convection oven. A stainless steel one. For free.

2.  Last night I saw a commercial for Moon Dough on TV and told my son and husband it looked cool,  and maybe Santa would bring some (for Joey, not me). Today while I was walking around Walmart looking for a kid's birthday present, a guy with a tie and name tag (he didn't work at Walmart) walks up to me and asks if I've heard of Moon Dough. I told him yes, and he hands me two free samples for Joey.

3. Then, still at Walmart, I was looking at Lego tshirts for a birthday gift. Joey was driving me crazy because he wanted one. I told him no, they were too much money and maybe he'd get one for Christmas. I walk away and go into a different section and an older lady employee comes up to me and says, "I don't know if you're interested for your son, but I just put out a bunch of Lego tshirts for $1.00." (I bought him a Lego Batman).

4. A few weeks ago I was walking around our house looking for a piece of furniture I could use as a nightstand next to my side of the bed. I kept wandering from the basement, to the playroom, up to the attic and back to the bedroom. I couldn't find anything, so I gave up and went outside. Just as I walked out the front door, a neighbor a few houses down from us was carrying a white nightstand to the curb. I couldn't beleive it. I made my husband go and get it and it's in great shape! I looks antique (though it was painted) and has a big door in front with lots of storage. It's next to my bed.

5. Probably the coolest thing ever was when we found this house. That's my favorite story:)

This weird stuff happens to me all the time.


Stephanie said...

Very cool!!!! Love when stuff like that happens!!!!!! It's like good karma or soemthing! :)

Angela Giles Klocke said...


Now -- there's this lens I really want. Make it so, Number One!

Bookish in a Box said...

Special powers, definitely!

Terra said...

I call that not a co-incidence, but rather a God-incidence.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Wow! All you have to do is put it out to the universe, and pow, there it is. You DO have super powers. Fun stories.

Pat Tillett said...

Have you ever read the book or seen the movie, "the secret?" or read the "power of positive thinking?" We can control what happens to us by positive thinking and appreciation of what we receive. I sure know the secret and it works.

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