Monday, November 22, 2010

Do You Spank Your Kids?

I've had two different people ask me this in the past week, and I was curious what other parents did. Growing up my brother and I were spanked, quiet often as I remember (but I'm sure I deserved it). We got hit with anything from a hand, a wooden spoon, a switch (thin stick), and a ping-pong paddle. (By the way, it's never a good idea to put a hard cover book in your pants before getting hit by your mom's hand. That only results in her sending your dad in.)

Before I became a parent I never had a doubt that I would spank my kids. I figured I turned out reasonably okay, so what was the harm? But I changed my mind once we had kids. As a foster parent, we're not allowed to spank foster kids, so that settled that. But once we adopted our now four year old son and we could (legally) spank him if we wanted, I just couldn't do it.

I don't think I could bring myself to ever hurt him physically, no matter how angry he made me...especially when I'm angry. That feels worse, like I'd be taking it out on him. I look at him and he's so little and innocent (though not always so innocent!), and I just couldn't imagine hurting him like that.

I'm not saying it's wrong for others to spank. Obviously everyone has their own opinions on the subject. Like I said, I grew up getting spanked and turned out okay. It's just not for us. We've been using the 1-2-3 method and I've never gotten past number 1. The result would be time-out, but that hasn't happened in months. I think we're very lucky because our son is a really good boy and listens well. I don't know how much of that is his personality, and how much is our parenting, but that doesn't mean we'll be so lucky next kid.

How do you deal with punishment, or feel about spanking?


Pat Tillett said...

You know my background Lisa. Having been hit with many things far more damaging than the ones you mentioned, I never spanked my kids.
I learned later that it's all about balance. I'm not saying that spanking is good or bad. I just wish that I hadn't been so closed to the idea...

good and thought provoking post Lisa!

Mara McBain said...

I was spanked plenty as a child .. hand, belt, paddle , and yes ... ping pong paddle once lol ... and I turned out fine. We've only spanked our son a hand full of times in his 13 years. *shrugs* It depends on the parents and the child. Everyone has to decide what works for them.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I don't spank my kids. I think there are other (better) ways to handle punishment. My father did spank me as a child, though.

Anonymous said...

I am 15 boy so I have no kids. I get spanked a lot, my parents are very strict but in a godly way. I get it with the belt or cane always on bare bottom and hard enough to leave marks for some days.
But I am thankful to them to punish me.

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