Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where Do You Write?

Like a lot of writers, I'm curious how other writers do things. I am not a writer who can go to a coffee shop or bookstore cafe and write. I wish I could, but I end up looking at everyone else and eavesdropping. The eavesdropping is good for dialogue, but not necessarily for my story.

Since we moved into our new house, I finally have my own writing room, but I rarely get to use it. Since it's in the attic it's much too hot to use right now. Even though I have an air conditioner up there, by the time I remember to turn it on I either don't have the time to write when it's cool, or I forget about turning it on all together. Plus one of the main problems right now is that we have bats in the attic:(

Also, I can't leave my four year old in the living room or playroom while I'm up on the third floor.

I set up a desk in my son's playroom with my laptop hoping to get more writing done. And I'm writing a lot more than I was. I leave my WIP open in Word and write when I can during the day. It doesn't always add up to much but at least I'm getting something down.

Are you picky about where you write? Are there places you can't write or love to write?


L. D. Nash said...

Hi Lisa,

I'm like you, I can't write in a noisey, crowded cafe or coffee shop. It sounds delightful, but I have to have silence in order to concentrate.

Right now, I'm using the kitchen table as a base of operations. I have a fan I turn on when I get hot. The only downside is when my son decides to play his xbox, I get nothing done because he's in the next room and very loud.

Maybe one day I'll have a writing room/library.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

I think you've thought of a great solution to your problem. I once heard Mary Higgins Clark say that she wrote many of her books on the kitchen counter. We writers do what we can when we can. :)

Lisa Miles said...

Dawn, would ear plugs work when your son plays his Xbox? When I hear outside noises I put on headphones and blast my music:)

Kathi, If Mary Higgins Clark can write books on a counter, I can certainly write one at a small desk in a playroom! :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

I usually like to write in my den area--it's a nice walled-off area. But in the winter that room gets cold and I like to write upstairs in my daughter's playroom while she's in school. :)

Summer Ross said...

pen and paper- where don't matter, but always has to be on paper before it goes to the computer. :)

Carolyn V. said...

I used to write on the couch, but it was so comfortable, it took me much too long. I now write at my dining room table. I get double the work done and I don't fall asleep while writing anymore. =)

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I'm not really picky about where I write - but my stories are. If that makes sense. I can write in some stories anywhere, other stories HAVE to be written in my room. Or the living room. Or outside.
Finicky things. :)

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