Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Often Do You Compliment Strangers?

Everyone loves to receive compliments. You can be going about your day, maybe grocery shopping, when suddenly someone says, "Excuse me, I love your haircut!"

That would totally make my day! So why not make someone elses day?

I started thinking about this the other day when my dad and I ran into a girl that used to work for my brother. The last time I had seen her she was nine months pregnant and about to pop. The other day (her baby is well over a year now) when we ran into her, she looked fantastic. Really good. We made small talk about our kids then went our ways.

Out in the car with my dad a few minutes later we both said how great she looked. But why didn't I tell her that? I know if she had said that to me it would have made me feel great. I felt even worse because it sounded like she was having a rough time with her kids. Someone telling her how great she looked might have lifted her spirits, if even for a little while.

I'm going to try to compliment at least one person a day. It's not that hard. It might be awkward at first, but I think seeing people's reactions will be worth it. And, who knows, maybe they'll pay it forward and make someone elses day.


Summer Ross said...

now thats a nice thing to do and think about

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

I wonder if this is a geographical thing? When I cashier I compliment all the women I can find something interesting about - hair,jewelry,manicure, cute kids,healthy food choices and they do the same for me. I even made a new friend over a necklace from Etsy and she invited me to meet at the lake with our kids and we do. Complimenting just makes my day so much better.

Pat Tillett said...

Mama told me not to talk to strangers...

Okay, I'll do it!

Summer Ross, I really like the way you look in that hat!

that wasn't so hard afterall...

Shelley Sly said...

This is such a good idea! You never know when that one compliment can make a person's day.

Carolyn V. said...

I love that! I have a friend who does that all the time. I am always so impressed with her and wish I could be more like that. Sounds like a great idea! =)

Melanie Hooyenga said...

I always tell women if I like their clothes or shoes. Always makes their day. :)

Kristi Faith said...

Love, Love, LOVE it!! I especially try to do this a lot with people that are in the business of dealing with a lot of not-so-positively-awesome-as-we-are-people.

You rock for bringing it to the blogosphere's attention. Sometimes we forget the littlest things could make the biggest difference.

Hope Wilbanks said...

I think it depends on your location and the person. Where we live right now, people are not generally friendly, especially when we're talking about people who work in the public, like at Walmart. When I do find a friendly cashier, I make it my mission to find her the next time, if she's working that day. I try to be friendly and offer compliments b/c it really does go a long way. And I have experienced a change in the other person's attitude, too. Sometimes I just get so busy with what I'm doing, or I'm like a zombie b/c I have so much on my mind, that I forget to even pause to take notice of others. Sad. I need to work on this. :)

Stephanie said...

You know...I wonder this myself. There are often times I see someone, a waitress, cashier, whoever, and I think to myself that something about them is pretty or cute or whatever...but it doesn't occur to me to say it. I am going to try and voice my compliments too!!

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