I discovered something yesterday. Rewrites are a lot more fun than I thought they'd be. I mean, most of the hard work is already done. It's like I have this long thin line that is the plot and now, with rewrites, I'm just adding hills to punch it up.
Of course, I say they're fun now. At the beginning. Maybe I'll reread this post in a few weeks when I'm knee-deep in them and just want to toss the entire thing out.
What about you? Do you like or loathe rewrites?
I’m a fun-loving foster and adoptive mom juggling a teenager, a tween, and a toddler, all while navigating the wild world of homeschooling. I recently took the plunge and moved to a new state without ever setting foot there—talk about an adventure! This is my real-life story, filled with chaos and joy. My mission? To swap out traditional products and pharmaceuticals for healthier, natural options for my family. Oh, and I really miss writing, so I'm excited to weave that back into my life!
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It depends on which rewrite I'm on and how extensive it is. I've done this twice: scrapped a novel (two different novels) and rewrote it from scratch...
Not fun. Lots of work. Kind of frustrating...
But other than that rewrites are fun!
Well...it depends. If it's a BIG rewrite then I can get a little twitchy at the prospect of it. But usually it seems like a bigger undertaking in my head than it actually is. :)
I write in layers. The first layer is the "pour the story" on the page. Every layer that follows adds flavor. I love moving sentences around, plumping up logic and motivation, and coloring scenes. So, yes, I like rewrites.
Like 'em! And after my talk with my editors today, I'm not even scared. :-)
I like revising, either my own work, but more so I have found I enjoy helping other rewrite lol
Love it. I get to play around with the people and situation I've already fallen in love with.
If I'm trying to reorganize a whole big section, not so much.
Hope you continue to enjoy it, it'll make writing life a lot easier.
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