Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ever Dream Up Writing Ideas?

I started doing this thing lately where as soon as my alarm goes off and I hit snooze, I let my mind drift to my current WIP. Because my conscious isn't awake yet, all sorts of ideas flow through my brain. Mostly bad ones, but some good.

I can't recall any dreams I've had where I've used the ideas. But I do remember a dream I had when I thought I came up with the BEST IDEA EVER! I was stuck on a part of my novel where I needed a guy to give the girl he likes something special. I wanted it to be small but have significance. I was thinking some sort of jewelry or something that could be engraved.

That night I dreamt that the guy gave the girl Mighty Mouse. He actually handed her this little cartoon character and she was thrilled. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought this was such a great idea, that I actually woke my husband up and told him I'd solved my writing dilema.

The next morning when we woke up he asked, "What was the great idea you had?"

Still a little out of it I excitedly said, "Might Mouse, he's going to give her...." I stopped when I realized how dumb that sounded.

Do you dream up writing ideas, good or bad?


Summer Ross said...

LOL. mighty mouse was my nick name is high school. Funny though. I have a time or two woke up and wrote down ideas, but they usually aren't ledgable in the morning, otherwise most my ideas come during the day or when I've stayed up too late and I'm tired.

Pat Tillett said...

I've come up with some good ones and some idiotic ones. My dreams are usually full of mayhem and chaos, but sometimes there are some good ideas in them...

Stephanie said...

I often think of good ideas while in bed...getting ready to fall asleep, when my mind just wanders. I have to write it down or I forget it. The one night though, I scribbled it down, but I coulnd't decipher it at all. I was so mad!!! Next time I'll actually turn on the light before jotting something down!

Anonymous said...

I've not used my dreams in my stories, but I go to bed with story ides in my heads and I flesh them out, kinda like a dream, but not really. I actually am making the action happen in my head like a movie while I'm sleep...weird. I've been doing this since I was a kid. So technically these are not really dreams if I create them myself.

M. said...

I have the best luck (with writing or art) right before I am trying to fall asleep. Of course that could mean that I don't get to bed until 3am, but I let it roll otherwise it's totally gone the next day. I have had some unbelievably cool dreams that have solved all my problems only to wake up and be so disappointed that they were really stupid ideas. I wonder what makes us think they are such great ideas in the first place. *shrugs* :)

Shelley Sly said...

That is too funny! I can relate. I think I have good ideas after dreaming, but once I'm completely awake, I realize they're dumb. :)

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