Monday, December 06, 2010

Spotlight On...Before I Fall author Lauren Oliver

1) What was the hardest part about writing Before I Fall? The easiest?

Since the book tells the story of a girl who is reliving the last day of her life seven times, the hardest part was probably trying to make roughly the same set of circumstances interesting and new every time. I was very, very worried my readers would get bored. The easiest was probably evoking the suburban high school world, since Before I Fall takes place in a town very similar to the one where I grew up.

2) What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel (or writing in general)?

I think the most challenging thing about writing a novel is sticking with it every day, even when your characters are misbehaving, you hate every word you put on the page, and you have no idea what’s supposed to happen next.

3) What do you do when you’re in the middle of a book and you’re sick of it? How do you keep from stopping to work on your new shiny idea?

Ha—see above! That’s the hardest thing about writing. Nowadays I make sure to outline my projects, so that when I’m stuck I can consult with the outline; that usually helps with the “oh-my-goodness-I-have-no-idea-what-to-write-next” feeling, which I find leads to paralysis. Other than that, I try to cultivate good working habits. I write the same amount every day, and cultivating that discipline really helps me get over those humps.

4) What are your current writing projects?

My new book, DELIRIUM, comes out in February 2011, and I am currently editing its sequel, PANDEMONIUM. I also have my first middle-grade, LIESL AND PO, coming out in Fall 2011.

5) What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Being a good friend, and starting my literary development company, Paper Lantern Lit (

6) What is your favorite quality about yourself? Your least favorite?

Hmmm. My favorite quality is probably either my loyalty or my generosity. My least favorite…I can be very critical, both of myself and others.

7) Favorite TV show?

Glee, although I honestly watch about three hours of TV a month.

8) Who is your favorite author and why?

I can’t list a favorite, but up there are Ian McEwan, Jeffrey Eugenides, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Roald Dahl.

9) What’s the last book you read?

What The Dog Saw, by Malcolm Gladwell.

10) What is your favorite/most helpful book on writing?

Defitinely Stephen King’s “On Writing.” It’s phenomenally helpful.

11) Do you have a Facebook or web page for fans?

I sure do! It’s Please visit me!

1. To kindle, animate, or stimulate (interest, activity, spirit, etc.) 2. To ignite passion 3. To light the way for promising writers

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your book cover is fabulous! And the premise sounds fascinating. Best of luck with your sales!

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