Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Five: Random Things I've Said to My 4 Year Old Son This Morning

1. "Get your finger out of your nostril....that nostril, too."

2. "It's bow and arrow, not oh and barrow.'"

3. "Saying you blew hot air out of your butt is the same as farting. Now stop it."

4. "For the hundredth time, stop walking on the back of the couch!"

5. "No, you can not use glue to give the baby a mohawk."

And this is all before lunch.


Pat Tillett said...

It's always something! Having been throught 5 of them, I can't imagine what I HAVEN'T said...

"stop walking on the back of the couch!"

Kristin Rae said...

ha! hilarious. You must be exhausted on a constant basis....

Liz said...

It's funny when you stop to think about it... I had a day where I started keeping track of the strange questions I ask my kids and decided it was too tough to walk around with a list in my hand! Questions like "Do I have to repeat myself?" and "Why are you spinning on your head?" Glad to know I'm not alone.

Unknown said...

lol...sounds like you had a morning like mine. :)

Lisa Miles said...

I swear that I'm saying things to him now that my mother used to say to me. I always said I wouldn't do that. It must be in the parenting gene or something. You become a parent and you automatically get some new phrases.

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