Monday, May 14, 2012

Wake Up & Get a Life!

 Since I clean houses all day, I have a lot of time to think about things. Over the past few months it just sort of hit me that I'm not doing what I want. I mean, I make good money, really good money for the short amount of hours I work each day, but it wasn't what I wanted to be doing.

Something finally snapped in me and made me realize this is it. Not to get all cliched on you, but this is the one life we have. And I'm already just about half-way (God willing) through mine. Which leaves me with about forty years to do what I want. I spent the last 25 years working at jobs I had no interest in. Why? Why didn't I wake up back then and do something about that? I don't know, but I'm doing it now. 

And so should you. 

I've always done this thing of asking people I meet what they do for a living, and if they truly love it. Most people say they don't. My next question is, why aren't they doing what they love? Their answer is usually they don't know where to begin, they're too invested in their current career, or they just don't have the motivation. 

Well, wake up

Imagine how great it would feel to wake up every morning excited to go to work. 

I have yet to feel this, but I'm working on it! Every day I'm doing something to work towards my goal of quitting cleaning and being creative all day!

I'm not saying quit your job tomorrow. But think. Think about what it is you'd truly love to do every single day.

Then start researching it. 

The only one holding you back is you.


Angela Giles Klocke said...

Or...finally stop researching and studying and JUST DO IT! :D Depending on where you are in the process. *wink*

Lisa Miles said...

:) An even better idea!

We Did Something Crazy

 A little over three weeks ago, we packed up a moving truck and closed the door to our New York house for the last time. We spent the night ...