Sunday, June 05, 2011

This Just In...Exercising Does Work!

So I finally weighed myself last week. I found a scale in the girl's locker room at the Y. I've always weighed around 107-110, but a few months ago I creeped up to 127.5. That was the last time I weighed myself. I was positive I've been in the 130 range lately, and would enter that amount on any machine that asked for it at the YMCA. Turns out I'm only 122. Since I've already been exercising for a few weeks, I'm not sure if I lost weight from working out, or if I lost it from being a full-time mom and chasing a five year old and taking care of a four month old all day. Either way, I was a very happy girl. Plus I got to go out and buy a bunch of work out clothes from Old Navy. That's enough to keep any girl going.

Friday my five year old came down with a sudden cough, and my girlfriend (who was over) asked if he had asthma. I said no (I'd never heard him wheeze) and said it was just a cold. At her urging I called the doctor and they wanted to see him right away. After two hours, a nebulizer, and a prescription for steroids, they said he has asthma. He's been using the nebulizer they let us borrow every four hours, and he has the steroids once a day. We have to go back next week and they're going to give us an inhaler. The poor kid was so sick yesterday. He coughed so hard he threw up on his dinner (luckily it wasn't mine this time).

I've still been taking lots of notes on my novel. Yesterday I came up with, what I think, is the perfect title. It's much better than the working title I'd been using, so that's exciting. I've been writing a paragraph or two every day on it. It's not much but it's all I can manage right now with the kids.

On top of meeting at the Y three times a week, my girlfriend and I are going to start going to a different local park every Friday for the kids to play and eat lunch. Anyone who reads this who is in our area and has kids, feel free to join! It's not just for homeschoolers.

Last night we watched Hot Tub Time Machine again. I love that movie. Blockbuster has this weird deal going on where you rent a movie, bring it in the next day and get another one for free. Over and over through June. We've gotten two for free so far. They also have a sale and I got The Invention of Lying and Broolyn's Finest for $.99 each.

My husband just ran out to get us some Dunkin' Donuts coffee, so I'm going to make the most of this time and get some writing done before I feed the baby breakfast.

1 comment:

Terra said...

You are doing great with your exercising, and losing weight. I exercise in a pool at a spa twice a week, and have done this for 10 years. Finding what you enjoy is the key.

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