Monday, May 16, 2011

Famous People I'd Like to Be Friends With. Please.

Top 10 11 Famous People I'd Like to Be Friends With (In no particular order):

  1. Zooey Dechanel
  2. Taylor Swift
  3. Mark Ruffalo
  4. Joaquin Phoenix (ok, maybe more than friends)
  5. Maggie Gyllenhaal
  6. Drew Barrymore
  7. Greg Kinnear
  8. Emma Stone
  9. Goldie Hawn
  10. Tom Hanks
  11. Toni Collette


Kristie Cook said...

My sis-in-law sat next to Drew Barrymore at a casual bar/grill kind of place in CA once. She said Drew was really cool and down to earth. She seems like someone really fun to hang out with. Another celeb I've heard is pretty cool is John Travolta. I'd like to meet him.

Stephanie said...

Fun list!!!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I'd totally like to second the Drew Barrymore friendship thing. :)

Lisa Miles said...

I saw Drew Barrymore at a Yankees/Blue Jays game in Toronto a few years ago. I didn't meet her, but she was there filming her movie Fever Pitch with Jimmy Fallon. She threw out the first pitch, and she was above me in the balcony stands (or whatever they're called) filming. It was very exciting. I also saw Demi Moore at a Yankees game in NYC. I got a picture of her hair. I was too excited and just snapped a picture.

cleemckenzie said...

He's a tad strange, but I'd love to know Johnny Depp.

Lisa Miles said...

Oh, I forgot Johnny Depp! Make my list my Top 12. I wouldn't even mind just looking at him across the room for an hour. Or three.

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