Monday, February 28, 2011

What's New?

We got another foster baby girl a few weeks ago. She's one years old and into everything! I have to say, I look forward to her two naps a day just so I can clean up the messes she makes.

We've had a wave of sickness go through our house in the past two weeks, also. I started out with a stomach bug, Baby came with a cold, passed it on to her brother, he passed it on to me....and that's where it's at for now. As soon as I feel better I'm going to disinfect the entire house. During naptime most likely.

One strange thing that's been happening since we got the baby, is that I'm working on my novel every day. I usually sit down anywhere from 1-3 times a day and write. I'm not exactly sure how I'm accomplishing this considering I have the two kids, work, and a lot more going on, but it's happening. I'm up to 5k words and look forward to sitting down to write every day. One of the big things that's helping me along this time is the notecard outline I did following the Save the Cat! method. I know exactly where I'm going and what scenes I need to write. I'm not anal about it though. I have no problem changing scenes around, adding or scrapping scenes, or changing them all together. But the outline gives me an idea of what I should be thinking about writing next when I'm done for the day.

Well, I'd better finish cleaning up so I can relax before nap time is over. Funny how nap time ends much quicker than it comes.


Anonymous said...

My advice...stay away from those dens of evil known as "skating rinks". Trust me, they're nothing but trouble. Full of ruffians, you know. You could get a coke dumped on you, or worse.

Lisa Miles said...

It's a good thing you posted as anonymous, otherwise I'd know who you are.

Jennifer Shirk said...

That's great you're able to get so much writing done with so much on your plate.
I need to get that Save the Cat book.

Sharon J. Ray said...

That's awesome you're getting so much writing done. With your new little girl I'm guessing she keeps Joey pretty busy, right. I'm only guessing from all the photos I've seen.

Pat Tillett said...

wow! I'm not nearly as busy as you, but I have more trouble finding time...

We Did Something Crazy

 A little over three weeks ago, we packed up a moving truck and closed the door to our New York house for the last time. We spent the night ...