Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Lies We Tell

I posted on Facebook yesterday about an incident at work concerning a cleaning customer who is lying to her husband about us cleaning the house. That got me thinking about the lies we tell (or don't tell) our spouses.

I was shocked at the lady hiring us and keeping it from her husband. In nine years of cleaning houses, we've never come across a situation like this. I couldn't imagine lying to my husband about hiring (and paying!) cleaners.

Now I may stretch the truth a bit by telling my husband I spent $20 on jeans when they were more like $29. But I figure there's a "2" in there so I'm not that far off.

And in a previous marriage I might have been known to buy clothes or shoes, take them out of the bag before going into the house, cutting the tags and ditching the bags, then putting them right into my closet. When I'd wear them a week later he'd ask if it was new and I'd say no. Well, it wasn't brand new. I'd had it for at least a week. (Notice most of my truth-stretching revolves around shopping).

I can't think of anything I'd lie to my husband about. Even if I think he'll be mad about something, I tell him. It's usually better than him finding out later anyway then being even more mad. I might play something down if I think it's going to make him upset (like somebody saying something negative about him, us, etc.), but that's more to protect him.

Do you keep secrets from your spouse or significant other?


Angie said...

I try not to. No matter how hard it is, the truth is always better. I've learned from hard experience!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I'm not married, but I agree with you - lying usually ends up more sticky than if the truth had just been told in the first place. An any relationship, really. :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I try not to...I don't think I do...I hope I don't...I did tell him I thought he looked great in that pale blue shirt when he asked...I didn't have the heart to tell him pastels are not his colors. (I've suggested it before...)

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