Friday, June 18, 2010

So You're a Writer. Big Deal.

I've been writing forever. And if and when most people do ask about my writing, it's usually with a glazed look in their eyes, hoping my answer will just be something like, "Good," so they can move on with the conversation.

And you know how we writers are. Give us an inch and we'll tell you all about why our mc avoids stepping on grass, why she named her dog Wayne Newton. I'm always dying to talk about writing to anyone.

Unfortunately, not many people want to listen (unless they happen to be writers, too).

There are certain people I know (mostly my dad) who have really good ideas. So I know if I say to him, "Let me tell you what I'm working on, I need some advice," he'll be all over it with fresh ideas.

The biggest thing that's happened to me writing-wise so far, is that I co-wrote one short film and wrote and directed another. The first one played at a film festival in town and the second at a local theater and also a bar-type place. I was thrilled to watch them both on a big screen.

My dad and his wife came to the film festival and watched. My girlfriend and her husband came to the second one to watch. I felt like I had a feature premiering in Hollywood. It was really exciting for someone like me, who has a very hard time finishing any writing I start.

Honestly, I felt pretty bad at the time that none of my other family members were even interested in coming. Didn't ask to see the films or even care how the film festival went. It hurt a lot. But, as my husband pointed out, what's important to me isn't necessarily important to other people. Personally, I think if you love someone you share in what's important to them, but I must be in the minority here.

I'm totally over that stuff now. Although, I'm in no hurry to tell anyone what I'm working on anymore, unless I know they really want to know.

How about you? How do your friends and family respond to your writing dreams?


Raine Chasing said...

I completely understand. Many people look at you with this look of "What do you write? Why waste your time with that?" etc. My family doesn't understand what freelance writing is and how it works. For me, it doesn't hurt, it gets aggravating because they say they don't know what it is, criticize, etc., but they also don't want to take the time to hear what it is I spend hours sitting behind my computer doing.

I didn't get to see your films on the big screen, but I did watch them on a 17 inch monitor on my computer :)

Bethany Elizabeth said...

My immediate family is very supportive of my writing. My extended family looks at it like a hobby, I think, but I've never given them what I've written, so that's not their fault. :)
I've actually been blessed with support from my entire community. My friends beg for more of my stuff to read (sometimes I KNOW they're just being nice) and my teachers always used to point out when a writing/poetry contest was coming up. My school voted me best writer and always tried to support me. Really, I've been totally blessed.
If it helps, I think it's AWESOME that you're a writer, and I think it's AMAZING that you wrote/directed two short films. Go you! :D

Lisa Miles said...

Thanks Noelle:)
Bethany, I think you're awesome!

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

I've been there! And I've seen that glazed look come upon them as I tell them about my story. So, like you, I've quit telling people.

I'm so impressed that you've had your screenplays made. I just sent my editor a screenplay that I'm keeping my fingers crossed on. :0)

Angie said...

Lucky for me, I've had generally positive responses from my family and friends. I have a ton of support.

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Well, you have your bloggy-friends! Keep writing, ignore them (the glazed-eyed people). I'm having a ball with my co-worker/friend who just got published. I have so many questions. Curious people are out there......

Carrie Van Horn said...

You have had some wonderful accomplishments this year! I think you are doing awesome. :-)

prashant said...

it gets aggravating because they say they don't know what it is, criticize, etc
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Michelle Gregory said...

my kids just wish i'd get this over with. my husband is very supportive, as are my mom and dad and brother. the others, they just give me glazed looks.

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