Monday, June 21, 2010

My Kid The Comedian

  • On our way to a restaurant with a Mardi Gras theme.
    • Me: "Joey, you're going to get beads to wear at this restaurant."
    • Joey: "Baked beans?"
    • Me: "No, beads not beans."
    • Joey: "Green beans?"
    • Me: "BEADS!"
    • Joey: "Baked beans?"
    • Me: "....Yes, baked beans."

  • I cringe everytime I have to bring him into a busy restroom in public. I know he's going to say something to embarrass me. It starts with him making a face and scrunching up his nose. I try to distract him ("Oh, look, two rolls of toilet paper!")
    • Joey: "Ewww, Mommy! It 'tinky in here. Did you poop?" (And he's always SO loud.)

  • My dad has a gas fireplace with a remote control for lighting the fire. He has Joey say "Abracadabra" and he'll secretly light the fire. Now whenever Joey sees a fireplace, he holds his hands up and yells, "Abracadabra!"

  • When Joey was little he used to say "ba-ding" for open. One day I sat down with him and was determined to teach him to say it the right way. I used sign language and said, "O-pen."
    • Me: "Say O."
    • Joey: "O"
    • Me: "Say pen."
    • Joey: "Pen."
    • Me: "O-pen!"
    • Joey: "Ba-ding!"

  • When he walks around barefoot, Joey says, "I'm barefooting."


Raine Chasing said...

LOL! That is so cute.

Valerie Geary said...

Ah yes... the kid in the public restroom who says exactly what everyone else is thinking, but is too afraid to say! I love those kids! :D

Very cute!!

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

You could teach him to say Ba-Ding at those automatic opening doors....FUN!

Stephanie said...

LOL! Very cute!! I'm waiting for the day my son starts coming out with stuff like that...he's starting to make full sentences now, but mostly only I can understand them.

Pat Tillett said...

That's pretty darn funny and cute!

Carolyn V. said...

LOL! So cute! I love the beans/beads thing. =)

Jenna said...

Cute! When my daughter started potty training and I brought her into a bathroom with me (because I had to go), she yelled out, "Yaaay, Mommy! You're doing it!"

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