Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Writing Prompt

Describe the most inappropriate place you've ever used as a restroom.
Taken from The Writer's Block

The only places I can think of would be a men's room (in a bar...why is the girl's line so long?) and outside when camping. Not sure which is worse.


Carolyn V. said...

We were on vacation and driving when my son had to use the bathroom. We had a cup in the backseat, so we let him use it. So there you go, back seat of the minivan. Does that count? =)

Lisa Miles said...

That absolutely counts! Come to think of it, I did the same thing last year on our way to a festival. I had to go so bad and we were in a line of cars with no bathroom around. You gotta do what you gotta do!

Anonymous said...

Um.... in a bush. Or oh, on the side of the road.

Jeff King said...

I have to go back to when I was 10 years old; walking home from school... I was half way home when I had to go to number 2. It became very urgent—very urgent. I walked/ran as fast as I could keeping my but clinched. Got about one block away and it could wait any longer. I jumped in a bush in front of a house, most of my body exposed and let-err rip, the old man who lived there came out just as I wiping with the sleeve of my shirt that I ripped off. He was speechless and I ran for it.

True story.

DL Hammons said...

The balcony of our fourth floor hotel room while on Spring Break from LSU.

"Honey....is it raining outside?"

What can I say. Twenty-one and life without boundaries. :)

Shelley Sly said...

I'm with you. The strangest I've ever done is use the men's room instead of the ladies'. I feel like guys have more opportunities to have bathroom-going adventures than we do.

Teddy said...

I had a young lady working for me at one time, who confessed to using the sink in a ladies restroom, at a bar. She stated that the line for the toilets were much too long.

When I said, "you've got to be kidding me," she simply replied, "Well, it all goes to the same place."

Joshua McCune said...

Probably the sink ;)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

That would be in the pouring rain, hidden by two wide doors of gigantic 18 wheelers as traffic was being held up for four hours by a massive accident ahead of us.

The chuckling drivers told me they did it all the time. I am a blood courier by the way, and that incident taught me to drive, ah,"empty" so to speak.

What can I say? I do not lead a boring life. Roland

Lisa Miles said...

Oh Jeff, that's...horrible, lol!
I did have a friend who peed in a sink, too.

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