Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hey, That Was My Idea!

OK, so I'm working on two projects at once right now. One is an older YA and the other is a middle grade. I'm writing the older YA, and I'm just taking notes on the middle grade novel.

The only middle grade I've ever read has been Judy Blume's books, as far as I can remember. So last week I got Meg Cabot's Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls--Moving Day. It's really cute and written in the same funny way I'm planning on writing mine.

The thing that stinks is that a lot of the ideas in that book, are ones I had, too. I wanted my character to be obssessed with scary movies...I wanted her to be really into baseball...and I wanted her to have to deal with moving and going to a new school. That last one I'm still going to do. But I was just a little bummed.

Speaking of this book, something really freaky happened to me last Friday. A few weeks ago when I first had an idea of a character for my middle grade book, I went to Barnes and Noble and picked out this same book. I carried it around for quite a while then ended up putting it back. Last Friday I got the book in the mail. No invoice, no packing slip, no nothin'. It was sent from Scholastic Books and that's all the information I have.

I emailed the company to see if they can tell me who ordered it (because I sure didn't!). It's so strange. I haven't heard back yet.


Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Now that's just weird! Keep us posted.....

Jeff King said...


Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Soooo cool! Now you need to test drive a new car and see what happens. ;)

Unknown said...

Ooh, that's so creepy.

When it comes to ideas appearing in other books, that happens to me all the time. I come up with a great idea and a week later I see elements of it in other books.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Very nice...You were visited by the book fairy. :)

Bethany Elizabeth said...

That's weird, but very, very cool about that book. I wish random books showed up in my mail!!
And yeah, isn't it scary how there are some coincidences that are really, really weird? A few years back, I was writing a vampire story about a girl who was from Washington state and had moved down to Phoenix, Arizona, but was just coming back up to live in Seattle. Then Twilight came out.
It was a little odd. Not unbelievable, but a little odd.

Raine Chasing said...

I'm with Kathi on this. Go test drive a new car and see what happens. LOL

That is strange though.

We Did Something Crazy

 A little over three weeks ago, we packed up a moving truck and closed the door to our New York house for the last time. We spent the night ...