When a New Character Won't Shut Up
I've been happily plodding along working on my YA novel about two sixteen year old girls. I have the entire thing mapped out (but I'm not afraid to go off track), and I've been writing every day. I love my characters, plot and ending. Then, out of nowhere, a new character and story pops up. Not only is he unwelcomed, but he's a HE! I've never written a male main character before, and I had no intention of doing so. I was in the car one day with my five year old, when he asked me a question about our family life. I could have answered one of two ways: I could have given him an I-don't-know-now-stop-talking-about-it-answer, or I could be honest like I usually am when he asks questions. I went with honesty, and as I was explaining I started to wonder if I was telling him too much for an almost-six year old to comprehend. Then I started wondering about him at fifteen and being neurotic and worrying about things too much because I told him too much when he wa...